Reflections from the Texas Hill Country

This blog is about my reflections concerning my many interests. The last time I counted, I was interested in approximately 2,777,666,555 things.

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Location: Marble Falls, Texas, United States

I am an instructional designer at Austin Community College, Austin, Texas. I have taught computer classes for the past eight years. I have master's degrees in business and instructional technology, and I am thinking about pursuing a master's in psychology. Some day I open to begin work on a Ph.D in online education. I am an experienced web designer and my hobby is pencil sketching.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life before iPhone?

Last night one of my cats looked Cute sitting in a chair, so I took his picture with my iPhone. I baked some fish that were supposed to cook for 19 minutes, so I whipped out my iPhone and started the stop watch. I have an app on it that let's me check on my friends in facebook and one that let's me do the same for second life. If I am bored, I can play the piano on my iPhone. Did I mention I can make phone calls on it also? I wrote this blog on my iPhone.

-- Post From My iPhone


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