Reflections from the Texas Hill Country

This blog is about my reflections concerning my many interests. The last time I counted, I was interested in approximately 2,777,666,555 things.

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Location: Marble Falls, Texas, United States

I am an instructional designer at Austin Community College, Austin, Texas. I have taught computer classes for the past eight years. I have master's degrees in business and instructional technology, and I am thinking about pursuing a master's in psychology. Some day I open to begin work on a Ph.D in online education. I am an experienced web designer and my hobby is pencil sketching.

Friday, October 06, 2006

How Do You Spell Relief- Not Having GLAUCOMA

About six months ago I had an eye exam. The optometrist thought there was a possibility I had glaucoma and told me to have an exam for glaucoma at another location of the same company which had the equipment to test my eyes for that condition. I had the test and the optometrist there said there no signs of glaucoma.

Today I had another test for glaucoma. Once again, the doctor said he saw no signs of glaucoma. Before I saw him I was trying to reconcile myself to losing the sight in one of my eyes, and possibly going blind someday. I was wondering if my pug could be trained to be a seeing eye dog!! Needless to say, I was very relieved to learn that I do not have glaucoma--at least not yet. Today the doctor said I will always be a "suspect" for glaucoma. Why couldn't he have said I would always be a "candidate" for glaucoma? If you're a candidate for something it sounds as though you might win something. When I hear the word "suspect" I think of being a suspect in a crime. Oh well-in six months I'll have another test for glaucoma, and I hope that the results show that I'm still merely a "suspect," not the winner of the glaucoma lottery!!


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